M y F a m i l y

My mother is Luz Amparo, she is forty-three. She is a busines woman. Her favorite music is romantic music.
My father is Antonio, he is forty-two. He is a baker. His favorite music is romantic music too.
I have two brothers Daniel and Kevin. Daniel is fourteen years old, he is a student. His favorite music is rap. His hobbies are the motorcycles and Kevin is a  baby, he is two years old is very beautiful and inteligent.

1 comentario:

  1. Nice!

    My mother is Luz Amparo, she is forty-three. She is a busines woman. Her favorite music is romantic music. (PUNCTUATION)

    My father IS Antonio, he is forty-two, he is BAKER , his favorite music is romantic music too.

    I have two brothers Daniel and Kevin. Daniel is fourteen years old, he is A student, his favorite music is rap, his hobbies are motorcycles and Kevin IS A baby, he is two years old is very beautiful and intelLigent.

